Sunday, December 4, 2011

Delightful December Day 3 - Snow Much Fun!

I asked my boys what their favorite thing about December is and Big T said "snow!" We live in Colorado so we usually get our share of the white stuff, the kids always have a blast!

Here are some of our favorite snow day activities...

Snow Ice Cream
Scoop some freshly fallen (white) snow into a big, chilled bowl. Add a little sugar, a few drops of vanilla extract, and some very cold milk or cream. Stir together and eat immediately.
Experiment with different flavors, try adding some cinnamon, cocoa powder, fruit, chocolate chips, or sprinkles!

There is another great recipe at My Home Sweet Home using tips from Paula Deen...yum!

Build a Snowman (or cat)
Of course, this is the obvious snow day activity
but how about making it a bit more fun with a "snowman kit."
I found a great tutorial on one at Make It Do and another on The Fickle Pickle
This would be a great gift idea!
 And who says it has to be a snow "man?!" Get creative!
Colorful Snow
I have always wanted to try the spray bottle full of water with food coloring or kool-aid activity. With three rowdy boys have been afraid that the spray will not stay on the snow and will turn into a colorful spray bottle fight and end up on the kids or my house! Let me know if you've tried this one, I might get brave this year!

We have some great sledding hills in our area, but the best was when Papa shoveled all the snow from the roof onto a huge pile in his backyard!

If you take your kids out sledding make sure to stay warm and stay safe. Please, never ride or put your child on a sled that's being pulled by a car, truck, or snowmobile!

Time to share...what are your favorite snow day activities?

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