Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Delightful December Day 20 - Christmas Lights

Psst...I have a secret! We have a tradition of surprising the kids with a drive to look at Christmas lights around town. There are a few great houses in our area, some that even are set to music!
Here's how it all goes down:
1. I tell the kids to go upstairs and get ready for bed and hear "aww, mom it's too early!"
2. While they are upstairs I sneak some blankets, cookies, and hot cocoa into the car. I also start some Christmas music on the stereo.
3. When the kids come back down I tell them they need to get in the car because we have to run to the store real quick. This, of course, brings on more sighs, perhaps some moaning, and dare I say even some whining. When they get to the car, however, they are pleasantly surprised!
4. We enjoy a drive around town singing carols and looking at all the beautiful lights!

Time to share...Does your family take an annual drive to look at Christmas lights?

1 comment :

  1. We do take an annual trip to look at lights. My son is three so this will be the first year he really gets what we are doing. I can't wait! =)


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