Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cloth Adventure Day 4

I think I am hooked! This cloth diapering thing is way easier than I thought, whew!

We seem to have solved the sweating problem with lighter clothes for bedtime. The diapers do breath well and have had absolutely no sign of rashes. Just another tip for cloth diaper newbies like myself: if your baby does rash, you don't want to use most regular diaper rash creams with cloth diapers. The cream with create a barrier (just like it does on baby's skin) on the cloth and cause them to repel liquid instead of absorb. There are several cloth safe creams out there though, here is a list. Having said that, I have also heard that cloth diapered babies tend to have less diaper rash than those that use disposables. Just one more benefit, nice!

Before starting this adventure I was confused by all the different cloth options out there and found a great explanation of them here on Megan's site Colorado Baby. I am using the pocket diapers right now and really like them, I would be interested in trying a few different kinds though to compare. I'd love to hear from other mamas, let me know what kind you are using and what you like/don't like about them!

1 comment :

  1. OS pockets are by far my favorite because they are the easiest to use. I have tried AIO and they are fine but take FOREVER to dry. I have tried fitteds with either covers or longies and they are fine as well but a little gross to open back up when your baby is wet. Prefolds with covers are my least favorite but will do in an emergency. Hope this helps! :-)

    By the way- you can make SUPER cute longies from old wool sweaters VERY easily. I will be posting a tutorial on this sometime this fall for my Fluff Talk Thursdays. They make ADORABLE little winter pants as well.


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