Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pink or Blue? Test the Old Wives Tales!

Well, with only 10 days until we have our ultrasound I thought I'd try out a few of the old wives tales and gender prediction tests that we've heard about.
I did some with my last pregnancy and all but one were right!

The Chinese lunar chart has only been right 50% of the time with my other pregnancies, so I guess this will be our tie breaker to change the odds. There are many of these calendars out there, but basically it bases it on the age of the mother and month of conception.

The Chinese lunar calendar says...GIRL!

I took an Old Wives Tale quiz at
1. Carrying high or low? = low
2. Craving salty or sweet? = sweet
3. Heart rate is above or below 140 bpm? = above
4. Color of urine dull or bright? = sorry for TMI, but dull
5. Pillow face North or South? = technically it faces west, but it is on the North side of the bed
6. Month of conception even or odd? = odd
7. Feet colder than before? = no
8. Hair on legs grow faster? = no
9. Eat the heel of loaf of bread? = yes
10. Increased breast development? = yes!
The results they gave me were...
You answered 4 items out of 10 Yes.
Your score is 40%. Congratulations! According to the Old Wives it's a GIRL!

The pencil test fascinates me, I don't know why/how this works. You take a needle and thread and put the end of the needle into the eraser of a sharpened pencil. You then lay your hand down on a table, palm side up, and hold the string with the needle and pencil attached with the other had (or have someone else hold it). You hold it just above the wrist and it will begin to circle. It will then either go side to side or up and down (elbow to hand) and circle again between each child.

It is said that it will predict all of your children, so in my case it circled then went up and down three times and side to side twice! So pencil test predicts...GIRL!

Took another quiz on and says...83 % chance of having a GIRL!

I also did a muscle test at my chiropractor's office and the results guessed it, GIRL! 

So far it's looking pretty pink!
Okay, so I know there are more of these fun little tests out there! Leave me a comment and I will give them a try. 
We've got 10 days to test them out! 


  1. Yay! Another girl :-) I should take these other tests to see what they say for me. :-)
    Hey, you should set up feedburner for emails. I didn't know you had posted anything new until I checked. I think you can set it up in blogger now.

  2. Thanks for the tip! Can't wait to hear what you're having next month too :)If you find any other fun tests let me know!


    try this one

  4. I already did that one, the results are in the post ;) If you find any others let me know!

  5. You know I tried so many of those things and nothing was ever right for all of them, some but not all. I have had 6!

    Happy to find you on the blog hop today!


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