Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mama's Back!

In case you didn't notice, I took a break from blogging.
When baby number five came along I could not find a minute of spare time and had to put my family first. One of my favorite comedians, Jim Gaffigan, put it well when asked what it is like to go from three to four kids (he now has five) he replied "just imagine you're drowning and someone hands you a baby." That is pretty much how it felt for a bit, but we found our rhythm. I am now treading water just fine and ready to share our adventures.
My oldest son started middle school this year and my youngest recently turned one. We have a fourth  grader, first grader, and preschooler in the mix as well. This provides a wide range of chaos and fun at our house. I continue to work on getting organized, one of my biggest struggles. I have also realized I no longer have the "I just had a baby" excuse and have started to fit a daily workout into my routine.
It feels good to be back behind the keyboard. There have been many moments over the past year where I have found myself saying "I should blog about this," so here I am. I may have to revisit some of my favorites.
Whether you are finding your way back to my page or are a new visitor, I invite you to follow along as I document our ups and downs. There are sure to be some fun giveaways along the way (I know my readers love giveaways) so check back soon!

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