Sunday, September 26, 2010

Better Breakfast Prepared The Night Before

So I already admitted that I am not a morning person. So how does such said person get into better breakfast habits? One great way is meals that you can prepare the night ahead! I am a huge fan of french toast, but find it can be time consuming, and tough to keep warm and fresh to serve to a family at the same time. I decided to research meals I could prepare in the evening, I am a bit of a night owl, and I found an amazing recipe for Strawberry Banana Baked French Toast here. That night I whipped up most of the ingredients (including my NestFresh eggs from Hidden Villa Ranch) and popped it into the fridge. In the morning all I had to do was spread the fruit in the pan and pour the already prepared bread over the top, then pop it in the oven. Twenty minutes later I had a delicious, warm meal! With the warm fruit on the bottom you didn't even need syrup.

If only computer screens had scratch and sniff yummy!

What are some of your favorite "prepare ahead" meals?


  1. I like all things prepared ahead...I guess some fav's are banana or pumpkin bread, or I like to make muffins, pancakes, waffles and biscuits WAY before hand, then freeze them and take them out as needed, make some scrambled egg whites, thaw what I need and breakfast is SERVED :) That recipe you posted looks AMAZING too!!!

  2. That looks and sound soooo good! I love to put dinner in the slow cooker so it is all set at dinner time. Makes the afternoon rush a little easier.
    On a side note, I have 3 boys and a baby girl too! OK, she is almost 2 so not so much a baby anymore but she is still my baby! Lol!

  3. I love having prepared meals. It's just my husband and I but saves so much time. Thanks for the tip and the sweet comment.

  4. This looks scrumptious! I'm glad I stopped by tonight (and you'll be glad I did too - there's a surprise for you on my blog!)



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